
插畫:小花插畫 www.facebook.com/FloraDrawing

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Today, our world supposed to be more civilized and people are more educated. Obviously technology brings us more good and material. Unfortunately, animal cruelty is still an issue in some countries. Some cultures believe the more the animal suffers the better the meat tastes. This year, AELLA Asia will work with NotToDogMeat.com, with a clear message re anti animal cruelty. Please join us in sending email to those countries and express your concerns.

今日, 我們的世界更文明進步,人類也受到更多的教育。科技帶給我們更多物質。可惜,虐待動物的問題依然嚴重,有些地方竟然還相信動物在生前受到越多折磨,肉質會越鮮美,或者貓狗肉有補身的作用。今年,AELLA Asia 會與 NoToDogMeat.com 聯手合作,一起向各地宣揚不吃貓狗,反對虐待動物的訊息。請大家一起向各地地方政府發電郵,表達你的關注。

South Korea
Minister Suh Kyu Yong, Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF)
E-mail: suhky19@mifaff.go.kr, master@mifaff.go.kr

Email: webmaster@deptan.go.id

Council of Agriculture
Email: coa@mail.coa.gov.tw

Department of Agriculture (DOA)
Dr Adisak Sreesunpagit, Director General, DOA
E-mail: adisak@doa.go.th

Department of Agriculture, LAOS
Dr. Bounthong Bouahom
Email: bounthong.b@nafri.org.la

北京市政府/Beijing Government
email: contact@ebeijing.gov.cn

Email template:

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a group of people who would like to express our concern of dog and cat meat trade. As we know, a lot of people treat dogs and cat as companions or even family members. They are such intelligent animals. Dog and cat meat trade is (for the most part) an illegal, unregulated industry, run by criminal gangs and fueled by greed. The cultural practice of deliberately making an animal suffer to alter the taste has not and never has been acceptable. We believe animal cruelty can be AVOIDABLE.

There are so many dogs and cats have been eaten each year. Quiet amount of dogs are skinned alive, fur sold of cheap clothing/ carpet. Some area even have festive in celebration of eating them. And there are people believe the more animal suffers the better the meat tastes. This means dogs are beaten and blow-torched alive and cats are boiled to make soup and elixirs. Where do the slaughters get this amount of cats and dogs? Some of the animals raise to be eaten, and some of them are stole from people. How sad it doesn’t only happen in the developing countries but also some developed countries.

We would like to ask you to help these poor animals. Please so-end more efforts into stopping illegal dog and cat meat trade. Even more, please prohibit eating dogs and cats. We have got enough meat and killings in the world and we don’t need more. Thank you for your attentions.







祝 好﹗
插圖: www.facebook.com/FloraDrawing